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CO2 is green: the TV advert making viewers choke

"A TV advert paid for by an oil industry lobbyist telling Americans "more CO2 results in a greener earth" would be almost funny if it weren't so depressing"

Category: Climate Change


Genuine hope on climate change

"The UN summit speeches by presidents Obama and Hu show how much progress has been made this year on climate change"

Category: Climate Change


Climate change is killing our people

"UN leaders should know: climate change is destroying my village in Uganda – flooding our homes and ruining our crops"

Category: Climate Change


North East Passge opens

"Two German ships have become the first Western commercial vessels to navigate the Northeast Passage - a shipping route which goes from Asia to Europe around the Russian Arctic."


Genoengineering: Such drastic climate therapy could make things worse

James Lovelock: "Better, perhaps, to let the earth look after itself than try to regulate its system through mirrors, clouds and artificial trees"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 356 to 360 out of 1185